Data Analyst

Technical Skills: Python, SQL, R, PowerBI, Excel, Latex, GitHub


Work Experience

Researcher @ North Dakota State University (Statistics Department) (August 2021 - August 2024)

Graduate Teaching Assistant @ North Dakota State University (August 2021 - August 2024)

Deputy Director of Pricing & Analytics Team @ Chaldal Limited (October 2018 - July 2021)

Data Analyst & Growth Hacker @ (April 2016 - August 2018)


Testing Community Structure With Empirical Likelihood


Designed and evaluated a novel empirical likelihood test for detecting community structure in network data, demonstrating superior statistical power through extensive simulations compared to existing methods. This absence of a community within the network has inspired us to explore and address this issue and motivate us to test the existence of community structure through our thesis research.

unidentifiable Community Structure

Exploring E-Commerce Reviews on Amazon using Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) and Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) For Sentiment and Recommendation Analysis


This project aimed to explore the relationship between various variables in Amazon product reviews, employing univariate and multivariate analyses alongside a bidirectional recurrent neural network (RNN) with long-short-term memory (LSTM) units for recommendation and sentiment classification.

#Bike Study

